Welcome to the Flock!

Mrs. Flamingo reading books with her Flamingo Flock.                                                Peakview student picking her January book of the month.

What's it all about?

The goal of the Flamingo Book Club is to encourage a love of reading, and increase access to books, by offering a free book once a month to elementary-aged children, their families and educators.

To accomplish this goal, the FBC partners with elementary schools and libraries. 

Flamingo Book Club During the School Year

The Flamingo Book Club launched its book giving program in Peakview School January 2023. Each month, every student picked a book to take home. This program continued on through the end of the school year in May. The Flamingo Book Club gave approximately 1,300 books to students during 5 months. We’ve continued with this program this school year at both Peakview Elementary and Gardner Valley School. This amazing feat was accomplished with the help and generous donations of friends, colleagues and donors. At the bottom of this site, you will see a specific section dedicated to thanking those people.

Flamingo Book Club During the Summer

The FBC also works with libraries and local businesses to continue to offer books throughout the school year, and even during the summer months. 

This summer, 2023, FBC created a number of outreach programs:

The Flamingo Book Club started a Storytime at the Walsenburg Mercantile. Once a month, kids listen to Mrs. Flamingo read a story, and watch a movie related to the book. During the Storytime, children and their families are encouraged to choose a book to take home. 

The FBC partners with Spanish Peaks Library. During their Friday Storytimes, kids and their families are offered books to keep through the Flamingo Book Club program.

The FBC offered books to all of the kids who attended Mrs. Flamingo’s art classes this summer at the La veta School of the Arts. The Flamingo Book Club also gave books to all the kids who attended SCCY's STEM science experiment classes this summer.

The Walsenburg Mercantile now has a Flamingo Book Club "little library" where people can take a book or leave a book.

There are many ways to help the Flamingo Book Club Program.

Donate new or gently used children’s books and chapter books. You can bring them to the Spanish Peaks Library.

Purchase a cloth book bag ($10) or sticker ($1). Email Mrs. Flamingo for more information.

The Flamingo Book Club is also willing to pick up boxes of books. Please email Mrs. Flamingo at mrs.flamingosbookclub@gmail.com.

You can also contact her on the Flamingo Book Club's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087124751335

FBC also accepts donations through PayPal. See the donation portal at the top of the page!

Spread the word to friends and family!

Thank you to all the amazing volunteers, donators, and supporters!

The Dolly Parton Imagination Library, which gives books to kids ages 0-5. This program helped inspire me to give books to kids, grades Pre-k through 5th.

Peakview School, Panther PTO, and the Huerfano RE-1 schoolboard. Not only have they have partnered with the FBC and supported it , they have donated books and provided a space to store the books. 

So many of the Peakview staff have been supportive of the Flamingo Book Club in so many ways, whether it was donating books, or giving advice and support.

The Oktoberfest Committee provided the first donation to get this non-profit up and running.

The Spanish Peaks Business Alliance helped me set up a fundraiser, which provided enough books to give every student in Peakview a book a month through the rest of the school year.

My husband, James Whitley, for designing my logo and being so supportive in all I do.

Mark Craddok for interviewing me and the World Journal for publishing the article that encouraged so many donations. 

The Walsenburg Mercantile provided a space for the FBC to set up a donation drop box. They also have partnered with the FBC to bring the local community Flamingo Storytime, which will provide even more books to children.

The Trinidad National Bank here in Walsenburg also provided a space for the FBC to set up a donation drop box.

The Spanish Peaks Library District has helped me with printing my brochures, flyers and business cards. They also generously donated many boxes of books.

Gub Gubs, for supporting my storytimes with discounted ice creams, and for teaming up with me to create the Get Gubs program, rewarding local readers with pizza.

Dorcas for their donation of kids books.

There are so many other people who I need to thank for donating books, funds, and even volunteering their time:  Devon Arguello, Juanita Blevins,  Sandy Dolak, Shea, Karen, Patricia Martinez, Mary Ormsbee, Megan Meadows, Becky Bradberry, Trisha Lootens, Rose Olson, Tammy Spriggs, Amber Nible, Lilianna Nible, Rosalin Olson, Marcy Smith, Denise Newberry, Donna Allenbaugh, Gail Lovely, George and Frances Barnett, Jennifer Sample, Rebecca Yarbough, Olan Adams, Tammy Noordik, James Shoff, Janice Walters, Karl and Debi Sporleder, Karen and Ken Martinez, Stephanie Shulman, Edie Flanagin, Kristy Johnson, Aubrey Lykins, Janice Vail, Sarah Jardis, Sherry Pearson, Suzanne Watson,  Tara Dotter, Rose, Margo Boodakian, Tom and Lori Roberts, Maribel Mendoza, two anonymous donors from Pueblo, and Jesus. Susan Smith and the Friends of La Veta Library. Kylee Farris. Dorcas Circle. Alison Ensy-Bechaver. Walsenburg Woman's Club. Friends of Aguilar. Denyse Fritzsching. Lillian the librarian. Jimmy. Jennifer Leggett. Olan Adams, Margo Boodakian. Stephanie Shulman. George Birrer. Christie Cooper. Sarah Jardis. Aaron Vasholz. Elizabeth Hart. Mary Ash. Rivers and Paul Jardis. Sandi Dotter. Betsy Boland-Hall. Brenda Morgan. Michael and Rebecca Yarbrough. Nichole Dickinson. Marcy and Edward.

Katrina, Larry and Amy Archuleta, Maribel Mendoza who donated 2 boxes of kids books. The Sassy Stitchers for their donation of fabric for the book bag creation. My Granny Flamingo, who taught me to make the cloth book bags, and who is always super supportive.

Shona Dasko, Jen Leggett, and Ashley Hansen. Alison Ensey-Bechaver, Karen Hostert, Brenda Maldonado, Marcy Smith and Margo Gonzales.

If I missed listing your name, just know the kids and I are forever grateful for you!

Walsenburg Mercantile Flamingo Storytime!

Spanish Peaks Library Storytime with Mrs. Flamingo!

Free face painting and books at events! (Picture 1 is the Gardner Valley School Color Run. Picture 2 is the La Veta Oktoberfest)

Spanish Peaks Library's Camp Plushie Event Storytime!

Mrs. Flamingo with "Patricia" during Flamingo Storytime at the Walsenburg Mercantile adn Gub Gub's.

Mrs. Flamingo with little flamingo readers during Storytime.

Free face paint and books at the Dorcas Costume Contest, located at the Walsenburg Mercantile.